My Journey From Head to Heart
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Weekend's Here..Yay!!!

I don't remember when was the last time I was so looking fwd to a weekend! After a mind numbing, coma inducing week at work, it's as welcome as Himesh Reshamiya dropping his nasal twang. now if only he drops his acting 'career' too...Yes!+ kept the energy high.

I was co-coordinating Yes!+ from 10th-16th, so it kinda got hectic coming home at 11 and back to office at 7...But it was nice to balance them pretty effeciently (pats back)...Good course. I juggled between being a Yoga instructor, Photographer, The Laptop Guy, Music Arranger...I was blissed out by the point I rested my head on the Pillow...

- "I've been thinking Hobbes --"

- "On a weekend?"

- "Well, it wasn't on purpose..."

So Miss Aparna has tagged me...that'll be the next post madam!

For now, read few very good posts today. All good things must be shared, so:

Hari's post: - True Love (Read the comments too)

Madhan's Post: (The Law of Garbage Truck)

Anir's Post:

Goli's Post: (Brilliant Coke intiative)

Oishee's Post:

Madhuri's Post: (QnA with Bau)

Angeli's Post:

And read My post on Bau & Dinesh Bhaiya's Blog!: (Read the comments too)

Loved this Video of the UN's Stand up and Take Action campaign seen in Ashram during Navaratri:

Another one with Ustad Aamir Khan, AR Rehman, Sachin Tendulkar...

And Sachin smashed all the records today...I bow down to the Genius. A question to his 'critics'-do u really need more proof? You are truly a Legend sir in more ways than one!

1 Hitch Hikers:

Anonymous said...

wow!! inspired@@ Stand up and take action!!!

wow. i am going to borrow this for my blog post!!

Waiting to see your answers!

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