Yes!+ got over on Wednesday. This was by far THE best course by Rajesh bhaiya. And as I mentioned earlier, first one in which I did a lot of work including conducting Surya Namaskar's & getting & managing divine shop.
The added bonanza was the surprise presence of Dinesh bhaiya. He has been invited by Virginia tech University to bring peace & strength to the friends & family of it's students. He had to complete Visa formalities the next day. I went to to the airport to pick him up alongwith 2 friends. We waited for about 20 minutes & the moment I saw Dinesh bhaiya - in white kurta, back pack, flowing hair, there was this gush of positive energy & happiness. Everybody was gazing at bhaiya wondering who is this angel with long flowing hair, beautiful smile, radiant face & a walk that says "I own the world" & at the same time "I belong to you". His presence is so positively powerful. We literally flew back to the course - courtesy momo, as it was already late in the night. Bhaiya spoke to the participants for about 15-20 minutes & that was enough to spread his charisma around.
Learnt a lot in this course even though I was suffering from viral fever. First time I gave 100% in all the processes.
Learnt a lot in this course even though I was suffering from viral fever. First time I gave 100% in all the processes.
Some of the points which I would remember are:
- Neither demand nor offer explainations in a relationship.
- Demand destroys love.
- True love is knowing that the person you love is neither yours, nor can be taken away from you.
- Know that you are blessed. This is all you have to do. On this path if you take 1 step divine will take 100 steps for you. Know that you are taken care of.
- Ego is nothing but not being natural, not being in your nature.
- Belongingness reduces ego.
- A, B & C of life.
Awareness of self, thoughts, feelings & fact that everything changes.
Belongingness to others, with love.
Commitment before feelings.
- Youth is Autheniticity, Intensity & enthusiasm.
- Learnt few things about managing & getting things done.
- If you cannot see God in the next person you see, you will not see god ever.
- Love & respect does not mean obedience.
- Some virtues we have to assume we already have, to cultivate them.
- Responsibilty=Power; Irresponsibility=Complaints
- Be grateful - you'll stop blaming & grumbling. Be grateful for what you have, no matter how little it is, you'll be given more.
- Make Guru your priority, rest will fall into place. Be with the light of knowledge.
- SHOW anger if you have to, but don't GET angry. Be Centered.
- Grace is what follows after you've given your 100% & surrendered the feverishness for the result.
- Life is a game. It's a ball to play with. Don't take life too seriously. When you take life as a game you'll see that everything that happens is part of a game. As there are wins & losses in a game, so is their in life.
- There is right time for everything; right time to ponder big questions in life & time to enjoy the simple things in life.
- Things are as they are, we label them beautiful or ugly.
- In the realm of body effort is required, however in the realm of the mind effortlesness is the key.
My B'day wish, although did not come true, I am sure she remembered my B'day & thought about me - fondly or otherwise. Felt bad that night as I was hoping for a week that she'll at least wish me in some way. Bhaiya asked, as if he knew, the next day "how many of you were able to maintain the smile all day long." I replied that I lost it for about 15 minutes thinking about this but then thought of some of guruji's knowledge, let it go & got back to myself. He he, bhaiya said 'Tathastu' 15 minutes to be upset is granted. :) Bhaiya has such sharp, clear, soulful eyes that it was impossible for me to look directly into them for more then a few seconds!
My B'day wish, although did not come true, I am sure she remembered my B'day & thought about me - fondly or otherwise. Felt bad that night as I was hoping for a week that she'll at least wish me in some way. Bhaiya asked, as if he knew, the next day "how many of you were able to maintain the smile all day long." I replied that I lost it for about 15 minutes thinking about this but then thought of some of guruji's knowledge, let it go & got back to myself. He he, bhaiya said 'Tathastu' 15 minutes to be upset is granted. :) Bhaiya has such sharp, clear, soulful eyes that it was impossible for me to look directly into them for more then a few seconds!
Last day, people hugging each other, posing for snaps, tears in the eyes, contentment of completeness on the glowing happy faces - all reminded of my own course done May last year, with her.
"Suppose quesions get suppose answers with suppose meanings" - Bhaiya on being asked a hypothetical question. :)
Getting ready for the next course. It will be a blast again!
1 Hitch Hikers:
Hey Ash, your blog rocks and does make me feel Yes plus, keep it up may also link two other blogs on ur blog roll - and
I shall be adding your blog URL in my blogs soon btw I don't know yet how to make a blogroll like you have done lets catch and yeah keep zindagi rocking...
take care, be wel!
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