My Journey From Head to Heart
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43 Things.

Goals are dreams with deadlines.

People have known for years that writing down our goals is the 1st step towards achieving them. Why, you ask? Well, first you will not forget the goal & mix it up with something else going on in your head & secondly it helps you to clarify what you really want to do & keep your eyes on it.

And as people have very wisely said - 'You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there.' & 'In life, as in football, you won't go far unless you know where the goalposts are.' & 'Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.'

What do you want to do with your life? Not an easy question to answer, my man, if, you think about it sincerely.

Here's a community that encourages you to do just that. 'Make a list on 43 Things and see what changes happen in your life. Best of all it’s a way of connecting with other enthusiasts interested in everything from watching a space shuttle launch to grow my own vegetables.'

I am proud to say that, "I am doing 43 things!".

P.S: No. 12 Achieved. Yay!

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